Digital Pencil

I don't buy the digital camera but I can draw it, I used IllustStudio with pencil tool only, of course with eraser. I love the pencil tool on this software.

Rotation of Year

Everythings changes, we can't stop it, but there is always something that we can do, I used Corel draw.

Move On

Hijrah means Move On. It is the beginning of Islamic Calendar

Bedroom in 3D

One of my freelance project. I used 3D max 7 with V_Ray render.

My E-Book

Final project in college. This book contains West Sumatra Traditional Woodcraft. Downloadable in Indonesian version.

Digital Camera in Digital Pencil


ga bisa beli tapi bisa gambar uyeah :)


Murai in watercolor
Long time ago in my village we can easily find this kind of bird. Even the elders called this bird as Bird of Death. When the bird came around house, the elders will drive away them.
But now it is become expensive and scarce bird. People hunt the bird because of their melodious sound. We call it Murai.